Import of Livestock
Goat Imports – Boer Goats - Meat Purposes and Dairy Goats
Sheep Imports- Dorper Sheep and Australian White Sheep - Meat Purposes and Dairy Sheep
Presently importing Dorper sheep from Australia for dairy & meat purposes
The import of livestock and livestock products into India is regulated by the Livestock Importation Act, 1898 as amended. The objective of this Act and the notifications/orders issued therein is to regulate the import of livestock and livestock products in such a manner that these imports do not adversely affect the country‘s human and animal health population
The consignments are examined along with the accompanied health certificates and other relevant papers and Risk analysis is conducted before allowing the entry into India. The imported livestock are kept under quarantine for observation and testing as per the prescribed health protocol. The products are also checked and tested accordingly in compliance to the health protocol prescribed by Government of India.
To find out more, contact us today.